
Pruning from a Hydralada platform is much safer!


Climbing up and down a step ladders can be hard work!

Pruning trees is an important part of the apple growing process and must be done right to ensure maximum fruit production.  However, it is a big job and very labour intensive when done manually and worker safety is a concern.  This picture shows workers climbing ladders and using long handle loppas .  We know that using a Hydralada orchard platform is much safer, faster, and cost effective.   Some of our customers say pruning with hydraulic pruners powered from their Hydralada machine is three to four times faster and much safer with the operator standing inside the platform surrounded by a padded guard rail.  We have done a number trials taking into account the purchase price of a Hydralada machine and running expenses, (fuel, oil,  etc)  the cost to prune from elevating work platforms is significantly less including the capital return over a very short term.

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