
Hydralada delivers more new orchard platforms.


The new Hydralada Quad Lift Nblosi  is ready to go pruning.

Growers with high density 2D orchards are finding the new Hydralada Nblosi platform makes working in closely planted trees much easier and most importantly its much safer than climbing step ladders.  The orchard platform in this photograph belongs to Hoddy's Orchard in Nelson and it is currently  pruning on their orchard down Anniseed Valley Road, Hope.  Orchard manager Andrew Kininmonth is pleased with this new platform and he's very  impressed with how it self drives down his rows leaving the workers to concentrate on the job at hand . The Hydralada Nblosi also has a bin transporting system which has been removed for the winter and will be refitted for next fruit harvest.  Find out more about these platforms on Hydralada Company's website or phone Duncan Smith on 021 287 3009.  Or you can follow Hydralada on Linkedin